(c) SIGMA Engineering GmbH

SIGMASOFT Virtual User Meeting 2021

In the usual succession of events, we would have held our SIGMASOFT® International User Meeting in 2020. Due to the current pandemic this as well as a postponement to this year was not possible as the planning security for an event of this size is very fragile and travelling is still quite challenging right now. As we feel that an important opportunity for exchange with our customers was lost we decided to hold a SIGMASOFT® Virtual User Meeting (Virtual UM) this year. We would like to cordially invite you to join us and SIGMASOFT® users from around the world in the online meeting on November 9th & 10th, 2021.

Please save this date for our first virtual user meeting, which will in parts be very similar to the live user meetings you have attended in the past, but will in other parts be new and different for all of us. Of course, this event is a special measure for very special circumstances. As soon as it will be possible we want to again organize user meetings where we can meet you in person.

Like with all our user meetings, the Virtual UM will be exclusive for all of our SIGMASOFT® customers under maintenance or current rental agreements.

More information on the agenda and how to register will be send to our customers soon.

Save the date:

SIGMASOFT® Virtual User Meeting 2021

November 9th & 10th, 2021

Here you can find the detailed program



As a user of the software, you can register for the SIGMASOFT® Virtual User Meeting via our event calender.



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Tel.: +49 (0)241 89 495-0

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