Once a mold is designed the CAD data can be used to start a SIGMASOFT® Virtual Molding analysis. In reality, the steel has to be drilled, milled, hardened… in SIGMASOFT® Virtual Molding the mold is created within seconds. In another couple of minutes an analysis is set up and the production can start. The part can be virtually “in production” even before the mold maker has received the drawings and production problems can be identified and solved early.
SIGMASOFT® Virtual Molding offers the unique possibility to visualize weak points of the mold. Areas where energy is lost, hot spots that can decrease the part quality and increase the cycle time can be eliminated, even before the metal is touched.
The figure shows the temperature distribution in a mold after 10 molding cycles. It is evident that hot spots are generated. This hot spots are responsible for a poor heat removal from the part (the mold is not accomplishing its primary function) and this results in part defects. In thick walled areas, as well as in areas where the heat transfer between part and mold is poor, potential voids inside the part will appear, as seen in the animation.